Second order differential equations

Second order ODEs

Last week:

$$ \frac{dx}{dt} = f(x(t),t)$$

This week

$$ \frac{d^2x}{dt^2} = f(x'(t),x(t),t)$$

Harmonic oscillator

  • mass attached to a string
  • pendulum
  • electric circuits
  • ...

They can all be described with an equation of the form

$$ \frac{d^2 x}{dt^2} = - \omega^2 x $$

Velocity and Angular Frequency \( \omega \)

The velocity \( v \) is the first derivative of displacement \( x \) with respect to time \( t \).

\[ v = \frac{dx}{dt} \]

To connect \( v \) and \( \omega \), consider the acceleration \( a \) defined as:

\[ a = \frac{dv}{dt} \]

Given the equation \( \frac{d^2 x}{dt^2} = - \omega^2 x \), the acceleration \( a \) can be expressed as:

\[ a = - \omega^2 x \]

\[ \frac{dv}{dt} = - \omega^2 x \]

We know how to solve 1st order ODE, how do we solve 2nd order ones?

We can decompose the problem into two 1st order ODEs

$$\begin{eqnarray} \frac{dx}{dt} &=& v \\ \frac{dv}{dt} &=& -\omega^2 x \end{eqnarray}$$

They are coupled differential equations:

$$\begin{eqnarray}\frac{d{\bf\color{blue}x}}{dt} &=& { \bf \color{red}v } \\ \frac{d{ \bf \color{red}v }}{dt} &=& -\omega^2 {\bf\color{blue}x} \end{eqnarray}$$

We can use Euler's method to solve it!

Single equation:

$$ x(t+\Delta t) \approx x(t) + \Delta t \frac{dx}{dt} $$

Harmonic oscillator

$$\begin{eqnarray} x(t+\Delta t) &\approx& x(t) + \Delta t \frac{dx}{dt} = x(t) + \Delta t \;v \\ v(t+\Delta t) &\approx& v(t) + \Delta t \frac{dv}{dt} = v(t) - \Delta t \; \omega^2 x \end{eqnarray}$$

Numerical implementation

In [1]:
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def dx_dt(x,v):
    return v

def dv_dt(x,v):
    return - omgea**2 * x
In [2]:
def evolve(x0, v0, omega, dt, n_steps):
    xs = numpy.zeros((n_steps + 1))
    vs = numpy.zeros((n_steps + 1))
    ts = numpy.zeros((n_steps + 1))

    xs[0], vs[0], ts[0] = x0, v0, 0

    for i in range(n_steps):
        xs[i+1] = xs[i] + dt * vs[i]
        vs[i+1] = vs[i] + dt * (- omega**2 * xs[i])
        ts[i+1] = ts[i] + dt
    return ts, xs, vs
In [3]:
omega, x0, v0 = 1.0, 0.3, 0.1
ts, xs, vs = evolve(x0 , v0, omega, 0.01, 1000)

Looks good! Let's evolve it a bit more...

In [4]:
ts, xs, vs = evolve(x0 , v0, omega, 0.01, 10000)


In [5]:
ts, xs, vs = evolve(x0 , v0, omega, 0.01, 100000)

Clearly something is going wrong!

Let's investigate the $\Delta t$ dependence:

In [6]:
for dt in [0.2, 0.1, 0.001]:
    ts, xs, vs = evolve(x0, v0, omega, dt, int(100/dt) )
    plt.plot(ts, xs, label="dt={}".format(dt))

Is $\Delta t=0.001$ fine?

In [7]:
dt = 0.001
ts, xs, vs = evolve(x0, v0, omega, dt, int(10000/dt) )
plt.plot(ts, xs, label="dt={}".format(dt))

No! It only takes longer to hit the problem.

The problem:

  • Inaccuracies of order $\Delta t$ add up!
  • look at phase-space to understand the problem
    • phase space is the set of possible configuration for the system

Look at phase-space of the system. It is characterised by:

  • position $x$
  • velocity $v$

For the analytical solution the system moves through an ellipse of constant energy in phase space:

How does it look for the numerical solution?

For the numerical solution the energy is not conserved!

Energy is proportional to:

$$ E = v^2 +\omega^2 x^2 $$

After one time step we have:

$$ \begin{eqnarray} E(t+\Delta t)&=& v(t+\Delta t)^2 + \omega^2 x(t+\Delta t)^2 \\ &=& \left(v(t) + \Delta t (- \omega^2 x(t)) \right)^2 + \omega^2 \left( x(t) + \Delta t v(t))^2\right)\\ &=& \left(v(t)^2 - 2 \omega^2 x(t) v(t) +\Delta t^2 \omega^4 x(t)^2\right) + \omega^2\left( x(t)^2 +2 \Delta t x(t) v(t) +\Delta t^2 v(t)^2\right)\\ &=& v(t)^2 + \omega^2 x(t)^2 +\Delta t^2 \omega^2\left( v(t)^2 +\omega^2 x(t)^2 \right)\\ &=& E(t) + \Delta t^2 \omega^2 E(t) \\ &=& E(t) (1 + \Delta t^2 \omega^2 ) \end{eqnarray} $$

We get an exponential growth!

In [98]:
dt = 0.01
ts, xs, vs = evolve(x0, v0, omega, dt, 100000 )
Es = vs**2 + omega**2 * xs**2 
plt.plot(ts, Es, label="dt={}".format(dt))
In [95]:
for dt in [ 0.1, 0.05, 0.02, 0.01 ] :
    ts, xs, vs = evolve(x0, v0, omega, dt, int(1000/dt) )
    Es = vs**2 + omega**2 * xs**2 
    plt.plot(ts, Es/Es[0], label="dt={}".format(dt))

Do higher order methods save the day?

Unfortunately not.

  • the energy increase at each time step is proportional to
    • Euler: $\Delta t^2$
    • Heun: $\Delta t^4$
    • Runge-Kutta: $\Delta t^6$

regardless how well we estimate the gradient, if we follow it we will land in a place with a larger energy.

Higher orders won't help with this problem. We need to do something else...

Euler Cromer


$$ \begin{eqnarray} v(t+\Delta t) &=& v(t) + \Delta t \frac{dv}{dt} \\ x(t+\Delta t) &=& x(t) + \Delta t v(t) \end{eqnarray}$$


$$ \begin{eqnarray} v(t+\Delta t) &=& v(t) + \Delta t \frac{dv}{dt} \\ x(t+\Delta t) &=& x(t) + \Delta t v(\color{red}{t+\Delta t}) \end{eqnarray} $$

Implementation Euler

In [8]:
def evolve(x0, v0, omega, dt, n_steps):
    vs = numpy.zeros((n_steps + 1))
    xs = numpy.zeros((n_steps + 1))
    ts = numpy.zeros((n_steps + 1))

    xs[0], vs[0], ts[0] = x0, v0, 0

    for i in range(n_steps):
        vs[i+1] = vs[i] + dt * (- omega**2 * xs[i])
        xs[i+1] = xs[i] + dt * vs[i]
        ts[i+1] = ts[i] + dt
    return ts, xs, vs

Implementation Euler-Cromer

In [9]:
def evolve_EC(x0, v0, omega, dt, n_steps):
    vs = numpy.zeros((n_steps + 1))
    xs = numpy.zeros((n_steps + 1))
    ts = numpy.zeros((n_steps + 1))

    xs[0], vs[0], ts[0] = x0, v0, 0

    for i in range(n_steps):
        vs[i+1] = vs[i] + dt * (- omega**2 * xs[i])
        xs[i+1] = xs[i] + dt * vs[i+1]
        ts[i+1] = ts[i] + dt
    return ts, xs, vs

Now the solution is stable

In [10]:
omega, x0, v0 = 1.0, 0.3, 0.1
ts, xs, vs = evolve_EC(x0, v0, omega, 0.01, 3000)
In [160]:
omega, x0, v0 = 1.0, 0.3, 0.1
ts, xs, vs = evolve_EC(x0, v0, omega, 0.01, 40000)
In [11]:
omega, x0, v0 = 1.0, 0.3, 0.1
ts, xs, vs = evolve_EC(x0, v0, omega, 0.01, 100000)

Error analysis

  • we are still making an error at each step
  • but now the errors cancel over a period
In [12]:
def analytical(x0, v0, omega,t):
    return x0*numpy.cos(t*omega) + v0/omega*numpy.sin(t*omega)
In [16]:
ts, xs, vs = evolve(x0, v0, omega, 0.01, 10000)
ts, xs_ec, vs_ec = evolve_EC(x0, v0, omega, 0.01, 10000)

ana = [analytical(x0, v0, omega, tt) for tt in ts]
plt.plot(ts,xs-ana, label="Euler")
plt.plot(ts,xs_ec-ana, label="EC");
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fc926b53f60>

This error also increases, but much less dramatically

In [17]:
ts, xs, vs = evolve_EC(x0, v0, omega, 0.01, 10**6)
ana = [analytical(x0, v0, omega, tt) for tt in ts]
In [162]:
ts, xs, vs = evolve_EC(x0, v0, omega, 0.01, 10**8)
ana = [analytical(x0, v0, omega, tt) for tt in ts]
In [15]:
ts, xs, vs = evolve_EC(x0, v0, omega, 0.01, 3*10**8)
ana = [analytical(x0, v0, omega, tt) for tt in ts]

Projectile Motion with Air Resistance

In this example, we consider a cannonball fired with an initial velocity. The governing equations account for gravitational force and air resistance.

State Vector: \( state = [x, y, v_x, v_y] \)

Force due to Air Resistance:

$F_d = - f(v, \rho, A, \kappa)$

Equations of Motion:

  1. \[ \frac{dx}{dt} = v_x \]
  2. \[ \frac{dy}{dt} = v_y \]
  3. \[ \frac{dv_x}{dt} = ??
  4. \[ \frac{dv_y}{dt} = ??