Assignment 2

General comments

Overall it was good. The main issues were:

  • confusion about what the fractional error was and how to calculate it, $\text{abs}((\text{numerical}-\text{analytic})/\text{analytic})$
  • not giving the power dependence, $1/N^4$ for Simpson’s rule and $1/N^2$ for the Trapezium rule. In the second part we were looking for a comparison. You’ve got the notes to look things like this up.
  • the Simpson’s rule code gets passed the function $f$ as an argument which is we one you should use. You should have only needed to define $f$ and $g$ once and not redefine the functions in the Simpson’s rule code.
  • confusion over how to do a log-log plot

For the log-log plot there are two possibilities:

  • plot the log of the quantities on linear axis, in which case start the base you have used.
  • plot the quantities themselves on logarithmic scales

The second option is usually preferable as it makes reading the axis more intuitive. To achieve this one can use the



Some students did not use a loop to create the plot, it worked in this case but might become extremely tedious in upcoming assignments.

Model solution

Automatically marked cells:

def f(x):
    '''Function equivalent to x^2 cos(2x).'''
    return x**2 * numpy.cos(2*x)
def g(x):
    '''Analytical integral of f(x).'''
    return 0.5 * x * numpy.cos(2*x) + 0.25*(2*x**2-1) * numpy.sin(2*x) 
def integrate_analytic(xmin, xmax):
    '''Analytical integral of f(x) from xmin to xmax.'''
    return g(xmax) - g(xmin)

Simpson’s rule can be implemented in a number of ways. Perhaps the most elegant is to create an array of the function values at the end and mid points, an array of the weights for the different points and then multiply them.

def integrate_numeric(xmin, xmax, N):
    Numerical integral of f from xmin to xmax using Simpson's rule with 
        N panels, elegant version
    xs = numpy.linspace(xmin, xmax, 2 * N + 1)
    ys = f(xs)

    coefficients = numpy.array(( [2.0,4.0] * N) + [1.0])
    coefficients[0] = 1.0
    coefficients[ 2 * N ] = 1.0
    panelWidth = (xmax - xmin)/ float(N)
    return 1.0/6.0 * panelWidth * sum( coefficients * ys )

Another option is to have separate arrays of the endpoints and midpoints, sum them and multiply by the coefficients

 def integrate_numeric(xmin, xmax, N):
    Numerical integral of f from xmin to xmax using Simpson's rule with 
        N panels, two arrays version
    panelWidth = (xmax - xmin)/ float(N)
    xmid = numpy.linspace(xmin+0.5*panelWidth, xmax-0.5*panelWidth, N)
    xend = numpy.linspace(xmin+panelWidth, xmax-panelWidth, N-1)
    total = 4.*sum(f(xmid)) + 2.*sum(f(xend))+ f(xmin) + f(xmax)
    total *= panelWidth/6.
    return total

or create an array of the function values and use an if statement to multiply by the right coefficients.

 def integrate_numeric(xmin, xmax, N):
    Numerical integral of f from xmin to xmax using Simpson's rule with 
        N panels, brute force version
    # simple brute force method
    xs = numpy.linspace(xmin, xmax, 2 * N + 1)
    ys = f(xs)
    panelWidth = (xmax - xmin)/ float(N)
    # first and last point only have unit weight
    total = ys[0]+ys[-1]
    # loop over all other values (be careful about endpoints)
    for i in range(1,len(ys)-1) :
        # midpoints weight 4
        if i%2 != 0 :
        # rest weight 2
        else :
    total *= panelWidth/6.
    return total

Plotting task

x0, x1 = 0, 2  # Bounds to integrate f(x) over
panel_counts = [4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024]  # Panel numbers to use
result_analytic = integrate_analytic(x0, x1)  # Define reference value from analytical solution

errors = []  # Create error array ready for value input 

# For loop generating error data
for n in panel_counts:
    result_numeric = integrate_numeric(x0, x1, n)
    error = abs(result_numeric - result_analytic)/result_analytic

# Log-log error plot
plt.scatter(panel_counts, errors)
plt.xlabel('Number of Panels')
plt.title("Relative integration error as a function of the panel number");


free text questions.

What effect does changing the number of panels used have on the accuracy of the numerical method? What happens if the number of panels is taken too large?

The integration error decreases with $1/N^4$. If the number of panels is too large we start observing numerical noise from numerical round-off errors.

If the trapezium rule was being used, how would the panel count affect accuracy?

The error would only decrease according to $1/N^2$.

Comparing with the Trapezium rule

So for interest here is some code, and plot comparing the two methods for this integrand.

def integrate_trapezium(xmin, xmax, N):
    Numerical integral of f from xmin to xmax using Trapezium rule with 
        N panels.
    xs = numpy.linspace(xmin, xmax, N + 1)
    ys = f(xs)

    coefficients = numpy.array([1.0]*(N+1))
    coefficients[0] =  0.5
    coefficients[N ] = 0.5
    panelWidth = (xmax - xmin)/ float(N)
    return panelWidth * sum( coefficients * ys )
x0, x1 = 0, 2  # Bounds to integrate f(x) over
panel_counts = [4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024]  # Panel numbers to use
result_analytic = integrate_analytic(x0, x1)  # Define reference value from analytical solution

errors2 = []  # Create error array ready for value input  /mt/home/santoci/

# For loop generating error data
for n in panel_counts:
    result_numeric = integrate_trapezium(x0, x1, n)
    error = abs(result_numeric - result_analytic)/result_analytic

# Log-log error plot
plt.scatter(panel_counts, errors ,label="Simpson")
plt.scatter(panel_counts, errors2,label="Trapezium")
plt.xlabel('Number of Panels')
plt.title("Relative integration error as a function of the panel number");


Using scipy

If we really had an integral to do we would not code up the numerical method ourselves. Instead we would use the methods available in scipy. Here’s an example of doing that

import scipy.integrate as integrate

npoints = [i for i in range(2,11)]
for n in npoints :
    value=integrate.fixed_quad(f,x0, x1,n=n)[0]
    error.append(abs((value- result_analytic)/result_analytic))
plt.scatter(npoints,error,label="Gaussian Quadrature")

value=integrate.quad(f,x0, x1)[0]
err = abs((value- result_analytic)/result_analytic)
plt.plot([1,11],error,label="Adaptive Gaussian Quadrature",color="red")

plt.title("Relative integration error as a function order of Gaussian Quadrature");
