Assignment 4

General Feedback

Some students solved the “no air resistance” problem analytically. It is more practical to use the existing code in the relevant limit (kappa = 0 or rho_air = 0).

Some students did not read the plotting instructions carefully and plotted the trajectories for a second time but this time without drag.

Some students were still missing labels, title or a legend

Model solution

Automatically marked tasks

def get_area(r):
    This function returns the cross section area of a sphere of radius r. The returned 
    value is in the squared units of the unit of the radius argument.
    ### BEGIN SOLUTION ###
    area = numpy.pi * r**2  # Cross sectional area of sphere
    return area
    ### END SOLUTION ###

def get_mass(r):
    This function returns the mass of an iron sphere of radius r. The radius 
    should be given in meter and the return value is in kg.
    ### BEGIN SOLUTION ###
    mass = rho_iron * (4/3) * numpy.pi * r**3  # Mass of sphere
    return mass
    ### END SOLUTION ###

area_cb = get_area(r_cb)
mass_cb = get_mass(r_cb)
def f(r, t):
    '''Implements differential equation for cannonball from state vector r and time t'''
    # Unpack array of the state
    x, y, vx, vy = r
    # these variables should updated in your code to be the derivatives of 
    # the x, y positions and the derivative of the x, y velocities. 
    dx_t, dy_dt, dvx_dt, dvy_dt = 0, 0, 0, 0
    ### BEGIN SOLUTION ###
    v = numpy.sqrt(vx**2 + vy**2)
    k = 0.5 * rho_air * kappa * area_cb
    # x-components
    dx_dt = vx  # DE for x position
    dvx_dt = -(k/mass_cb)*v*vx  # DE for x velocity
    # y-components
    dy_dt = vy  # DE for y position
    dvy_dt = -(k/mass_cb)*v*vy - g
    ### END SOLUTION ###
    return numpy.array([dx_dt, dy_dt, dvx_dt, dvy_dt])
def solve_euler(state_initial, t1, n_steps):
    '''Solves ODE using Euler's method from state_initial to end time t1 using n_panels panels'''
    # Define array for trajectory history
    history = numpy.empty((n_steps+1,4))  # Number of columns is equal to number of variables to solve for (4)
    history[0] = state_initial
    # you should now populate the history array
    ### BEGIN SOLUTION ###
    # Define necessary local variables
    t = 0
    dt = t1 / n_steps  # Panel size    
    for i in range(n_steps):
        t = i*dt
        history[i+1] = history[i] + f(history[i], t) * dt

    ### END SOLUTION ###        
    return history

def find_zero_linear(x1, x2, y1, y2):
    if y1*y2 > 0:
        print("I expect y1 and y2 to have opposite signs!")
    ### BEGIN SOLUTION ###
    return (x1*y2 - x2*y1 )/(y2 - y1)
    ### END SOLUTION ###

Plotting tasks

These are examples for the plotting tasks.

n_steps = 1000
max_time = 300
v0s = numpy.linspace(50, 1000, 20)

ranges = []
ranges_noresistance = []
theta = numpy.deg2rad(60)
v0 = 125
n_steps = 1000
thetas = range(5, 90, 5)

# Loop creating trajectories
for theta in thetas:
    theta = numpy.deg2rad(theta)  # numpy trig functions work in radians
    vx, vy = v0*numpy.cos(theta), v0*numpy.sin(theta)
    initial_conditions = [0, 0, vx, vy]
    values_euler = solve_euler(initial_conditions, t1, n_steps)
    # Plot trajectories
    xs_euler, ys_euler = values_euler[:,0], values_euler[:,1]
    plt.plot(xs_euler, ys_euler, color='blue', linestyle='--')
plt.title('Trajectories at Different Launch Angles')
plt.xlabel('$x$ (m)')
plt.ylabel('$y$ (m)')


n_steps = 1000
max_time = 300
v0s = numpy.linspace(50, 1000, 20)

ranges = []
ranges_noresistance = []
theta = numpy.deg2rad(60)

for v0 in v0s:
    vx, vy = v0*numpy.cos(theta), v0*numpy.sin(theta)
    initial_conditions = [0, 0, vx, vy]

    rho_air = 0    
    history = solve_euler(initial_conditions, max_time, n_steps)
    rng = find_range(history)  

    rho_air = 1.23
    history = solve_euler(initial_conditions, max_time, n_steps)
    rng = find_range(history)  

plt.plot(v0s,ranges_noresistance,label="No resistance")    
plt.plot(v0s,ranges, label="with resistance")    

plt.title('Range as a function of the initial velocity')
plt.xlabel('$v_0$ (m/s)')
plt.ylabel('range (m)')


Using scipy

As with last week’s assignment we can use scipy to solve the problem, it’s a bit more tricky as we need the solution at intermediate time steps.

import scipy.integrate as integrate
def f_swap(t,n) :
    return f(n,t)

n_steps = 1000
max_time = 300
v0s = numpy.linspace(50, 1000, 20)

ranges = []
ranges_noresistance = []
theta = numpy.deg2rad(60)
for v0 in v0s:
    vx, vy = v0*numpy.cos(theta), v0*numpy.sin(theta)
    initial_conditions = numpy.array([0, 0, vx, vy])
    rho_air = 0
    output = integrate.solve_ivp(f_swap,(0,max_time),initial_conditions,t_eval=times,rtol=1e-9)
    history = numpy.transpose(output.y)
    rng = find_range(history)  

    rho_air = 1.23
    output = integrate.solve_ivp(f_swap,(0,max_time),initial_conditions,t_eval=times,rtol=1e-9)
    history = numpy.transpose(output.y)
    rng = find_range(history)  

plt.plot(v0s,ranges_noresistance,label="No resistance")    
plt.plot(v0s,ranges, label="with resistance")    

plt.title('Range as a function of the initial velocity')
plt.xlabel('$v_0$ (m/s)')
plt.ylabel('range (m)')
